What Makes Guernsey Milk So Good? Here Are The Reasons Why You Should Consume It. 

Guernsey Milk

Guernsey milk is renowned for its gorgeous golden colour, rich taste and exceptional nutrient content. Here at Laceys' Family Farm, all our milk comes from our herd of pedigree Guernsey cows. But what makes this milk so good? 

Most of the milk found in supermarkets today comes from a breed of cow called the called the Holstein. This large, black and white cow excels at producing copious quantities of milk, and considering farmers are paid by the litre, this makes perfect economic sense. Unfortunately, quantity comes at the price of quality, and the milk is nutrient lacking, taste deficient and often heavily processed. 

So What Benefits of Guernsey Milk compared to Holstein

Guernsey milk has:

Note: Guernseys are the highest known producers of the A2 type of β-casein protein. 

The Golden Guernsey colour is in fact caused by high levels of beta-Carotene, and the effect is even stronger when the cows are grazing on fresh grass in the summer.